Friday, July 17, 2009

Musical healing - Mend those broken hearts..

I was just having my headphones on and listening to a few albums of Andy Mckee and one particular song caught my not so non-weary mind. It was so beautifully composed I just don't know how to define the emotions I went through.

My life has such a large dependence on music and some of you may be able to relate to it. The music I listen to at a moment will define the mood I'm in and vice-versa. This song made me wana let go of everything and start my life long dream..

Hope at least one of you'd feel the same peace that I did while listening to this. Just close your eyes and let them tunes take you to your fav hiding place and let your sorrows drown..


  1. One of my favourites by Andy Mckhee. I've got a few of his songs on my phone (Yes i listen to music off my phone!) and listen to em when I'm stressed. This and Shanghai are two of my favs.

  2. yep.. shanghai beautiful.. he has some nice melodical compositions. It's cool that you listen to music through ur phone.. as long as u listen its fine ;)
