Sunday, June 14, 2009

Finally.. It's alivveeeeee.....

Wow.. It's been ages and it's been way too long. But I guess my absence was a deserved one. A deadly few weeks at work and a ill-fated few weeks at home and I do mean Ill fated. But somehow one of my life long dreams were achieved during the past two weeks.

My drum room. Since the day I started playing my drums it has been a uphill battle against the neighbours and my parents for the sound it made :O I was a loud drummer. From driving to studying to playing.. 
I do everything hard when I mean hard I mean like with all my physical strength. So my drumming is no exception and it's loud. I've lost alot of hearing in the past 8 years of my life due to my beloved drums but I don't care.

It's not perfect, my drum room but it's all I got; a heaven in the middle of enemy territory. A few meters from the room windows are the people who made me live without my drums for over 6 years. I played my drums to my hearts content for hours after the room was complete and that was roughly after 6 years. It was like a long awaited orgasm and it was bloody awesome.

I've got some pics for you. I'm sure most of you can relate to this experience of mine. Just never give up. I'm still wishing that I was brave enough to take music as my life rather than a desk job but I guess some decisions have to be accepted rather than dejecting them.

I've added two new items to my drumset one of which was a recommendation of our own RD. It's a brilliant device which will definitely get left foot working at a rate in no time. Thanks RD, I owe you one.

As you might notice my hardware isn't as polished as any of the drumsets you might have seen on any media and I'm ashamed of that, I really am but you have to believe me when I say I love those vibrating skinned, round headed, loud mouthed, vulgar looking pieces called drums more than anything else in this world.. 

Please don't tell my fiancĂ©...........