Saturday, July 18, 2009

A Breakdown..

My fingers run through your hair,
pushing back your brown hair to uncover your eyes that gaze deep into mine,
your smile taking me back to the love conception,
miss your sweetness in my life..

shivers bringing me back to present,
your love is so much a part of me without it life seems bleak,
will our love perish through the cracks created due to life's pressures,
I think I'd rather perish once and for all than see you leave my world..

Your sweet skin, deep shining eyes and your pink lips remind me of only one,
my princess who made my heart jump on that fateful day,
your my dream come true in a world where I'm the one left behind forgotten and unheard of,
angel if you decide to leave this realm then I really would be lost..

I drove you to my home for the 1st time and held you hard next to me,
memories escaping from my eyes running close to my lips where once you were,
when you left ma home it was never to return,
make me not go through my life without you right next to me..


  1. i like it.
    hope everythings ok..

  2. hey.. thanks B.. things are ok.. wrote it when it wasn't.. :)
